
2025 © Humango
The perfect 5k training plan will vary from runner to runner. Some are natural sprinters for whom a 3.1-mile race will feel like a painfully long run. Others are born marathoners who treat a 5k race like an arduous all-out sprint. Unfortunately, many 5k race plans are designed with a one-size-fits-all methodology. They personalize them by using training paces based on a person's race pace goal. Well, who truly knows their race pace goal?
Experienced runners will have a pretty good idea of a reasonable race pace based on their training runs, as many of their runs cover more than a 5k. But if they’re only using training run data, they’re still guessing. Only a race will tell them what their true race pace is. Fortunately, there are plenty of 5k’s throughout the year for them to enter and determine their actual training pace. Armed with this data point, they can then use it to guide them to their goal race several weeks down the road. Google “5k run near me,” and you can do the same. Or … you can skip the guesswork and use Humango’s advanced AI to know that your 5k running plan will be optimized for you and only you.
Whether you consider a 5k a warm-up for your marathon training or a long run as part of a general fitness goal, Hugo, Humango’s AI-powered digital coach, can tailor a program that meets you where you are and builds a training plan based on how much time you have available to train (and recover), what types of cross-training options you have available (strength training, or cycling, for example) and when your race is scheduled. When you enter your training data into the app (mileage, pace, heart rate data, cadence, elevation changes, etc.), Humango can adjust your training progression to match your progressive improvements in running speed and stride efficiency.
Within a week, Humango will tell you whether you’re falling behind, staying on track, or moving ahead of schedule with your training regimen and adjust accordingly. For you, this could mean a different interval structure or workouts at varying intensity levels. It could also translate into an unexpected extra day off to allow your body to recuperate from a hard block of runs. What’s unique about Humango is that it utilizes vast data sets of past runners and the practical experience of Master Coaches to determine which training option or change will work best for you. The app taps into the science of endurance training to prescribe the precise workout you need that day to maximize your potential.
Since you don’t have to wonder how or if you can do your workouts from Humango, you can turn your attention to race day details and strategy, focusing on finer points like food choices and warm-up routines.
What (and how) you eat and drink before the race is paramount to a personal best. You don’t necessarily need to down a sports gel or chug a sports drink before a 5k. Your body should have plenty of stored energy to see you across the finish line. If you overdo it on the pre-race diet, you can end up with an upset stomach during the run. So, use your weekend runs to test out and dial in your pre-race diet protocol. Figure out what foods to eat and how much to drink before the race.
Eating a plain bagel with peanut butter (or butter) and drinking 16 ounces of water an hour before your run is a good start. This will give your body enough time to metabolize the bagel and top off your fluid levels. (Pro tip: Make a quick bathroom stop before you run). If the bagel/peanut butter suggestion isn't appealing, experiment with foods and timing to find a pre-race snack that works best for you.
Warm-ups are not optional. 5k races start fast and stay fast for the duration. If you haven’t sufficiently warmed up your muscles and joints, you risk an injury, and a performance below your best is almost guaranteed. Spend 6-8 minutes jogging lightly, then work through a full-body range-of-motion warm-up. These aren’t static stretches where you pull your muscles. These moves — deep knee bends, leg kicks, hip rotations, and arm windmills — are all about getting blood into your joints and lubricating them for the work ahead.
Posted by Gaelle Abecassis