Train Smarter
With HumanGO and Zwift
HumanGO is now fully integrated with Zwift! The native connection lets you sync your customized HumanGO workouts and threshold power/pace directly to Zwift, so you can train in an immersive virtual environment while following a hyper-personalized, AI-driven training plan.
HumanGO’s AI-driven technology designs dynamic, individualized training plans tailored to each athlete’s fitness level, goals, fatigue, and progression. With this new integration, athletes can now complete their HumanGO workouts directly within Zwift, experiencing the platform’s engaging virtual worlds while following hyper-personalized training sessions.
Cycling Coach
Open Zwift, go to Workouts, click Custom, and find that day’s trainer session in the HumanGO folder.
All that’s left for you to do is clip in, enjoy the ride, and save it when you’re finished. Click below to set up your integration now.
Join the HumanGO Club on Zwift for interactive rides led by our expert coaches and team members. Train smarter, stay motivated, and connect with a community of like-minded athletes
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