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Meet Hugo

Your AI-powered Digital Coach
Just Stepped Up Its Game.

Meet your go-to resource for all your training needs. Hugo analyzes your training data to provide real-time feedback and actionable insights. It monitors and manages your progress while visualizing improvements, helping you stay focused and motivated. With Hugo by your side, you’ll be on your way to reaching your goals and becoming your best athletic self.

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Change Your Availability

Let Hugo know about any days off, injuries, or illnesses. Now more aware of your training goals, needs, and preferences, Hugo can provide a more personalized training plan with on-the-go adjustments.

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Manage Your Workouts

Hugo can organize your training calendar and suggest the most suitable test workout for your fitness level at the optimal time based on your current training plan. As things change, it can re-generate a new training schedule for optimal efficiency, training loads, and intensity.

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Chat With Hugo

Chat with Hugo like a coach and get advice for specific races, goals, terminology, and app uses. Thanks to Hugo’s integration with ChatGPT, talking with your AI digital coach has never been easier. Ask questions about the app or simply chat about a wide range of training-related topics.

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Manage Your Workouts

Hugo can organize your training calendar and suggest the most suitable test workout for your fitness level at the optimal time based on your current training plan. As things change, it can re-generate a new training schedule for optimal efficiency, training loads, and intensity.


Chat With Hugo

Chat with Hugo like a coach and get advice for specific races, goals, terminology, and app uses. Thanks to Hugo’s integration with ChatGPT, talking with your AI digital coach has never been easier. Ask questions about the app or simply chat about a wide range of training-related topics.


Manage Your Workouts

Hugo can organize your training calendar and suggest the most suitable test workout for your fitness level at the optimal time based on your current training plan. As things change, it can re-generate a new training schedule for optimal efficiency, training loads, and intensity.

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Chat With Hugo

Chat with Hugo like a coach and get advice for specific races, goals, terminology, and app uses. Thanks to Hugo’s integration with ChatGPT, talking with your AI digital coach has never been easier. Ask questions about the app or simply chat about a wide range of training-related topics.

Level-Up Your Training

The new and improved Hugo offers more personalized training plans, enhanced conversational interactions, and an improved user experience. You’ll get expert advice tailored to your unique race and fitness goals, so you can unlock your fullest potential.

Lance Watson

Olympic Coach

I’ve coached hundreds of athletes at all levels. I can confidently say Humango is a game changer. Humango constantly updates and adapts to your progress and those inevitable life curveballs. I have seen tremendous athlete improvements in endurance and speed. Humango will get you to the start line fit and confident to tackle race day.

Raeleigh Harris

Triathlon Master Coach

Humango provides numerous efficiencies to my workflow. I can be more precise with my prescriptions, add my own customization to training sessions, and overlay an entire training plan with my own methodology. I struggled with managing my athletes’ schedules before — but now, with a click, a drag and drop, or simple date-range re-plan, I can accommodate my athletes’ everyday lives, knowing their trajectory towards their goals is much less an educated guess and more a calculated prescription.

Pav Bryan

Cycling Coach

When time is critical, Humango is the breath of fresh air that invigorates my work as a coach. With instant data analysis and constant fatigue detection, I know my clients’ needs are being monitored even when I’m unavailable. My initial concerns about being redundant are unfounded, as I have complete control over my clients’ plans, their workouts, and the methodology that drives the planner. This is the next step in endurance sports coaching, and anyone not utilizing AI in their business will be left behind.


Humango Athlete

I've been using Humango for a year now for triathlon and ultrarunning. I find the app especially beneficial for individuals with hectic schedules, frequent work-related travel, or numerous commitments in life. It provides the autonomy to adjust plans instantly and independently. You don't need to wait for coach feedback to make changes or notify that you can't do a swim or bike session on a particular day—the AI handles it for you so you don't have to sacrifice any fitness/training goals. This has been my most successful year using Humango with my coach, now racing where I felt like my potential was including podiums at an ultra and several 70.3s, then exceeded my own expectations at Ironman World Championships 2023.


Humango Athlete

I am Mark from Frankfurt, Germany. I trained this year for my second Triathlon, Olympic Distance. Last year, I did 03:07 and this year 03:00, so improved by 7 minutes overall after roughly 4 months of training with Humango.

Hugo: Powered
by Next-Level AI

Hugo delivers more personalized, accessible, and effective training support. With its integration with ChatGPT — a type of artificial intelligence-powered Large Language Model (LLM) — Hugo can now assist you with a wider range of topics and hold more natural conversations, giving you an unrivaled training experience.

Have questions or need assistance? Our team is here to help.

Email: Info@Humango.ai

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